While every session has its share of issues the following is list of issues that I hope to drive as the next Representative for District 67.
Truck Tolls
Despite overwhelming public opposition and more fiscally responsible proposals by individuals in the General Assembly, the RhodeWorks legislation was forced upon the Rhode Island taxpayer. This legislation is a perfect example of government working to benefit special interest groups at the expense of taxpayers and businesses in the state. I intend to join with others in their fight to repeal this program and insure that no cars in Rhode Island will be tolled for using our roadways.
Right to Bear Arms
I will sponsor and support legislation that restores the individual right to keep and bear arms in Rhode Island. This includes repealing all laws that claim the illegitimate authority to deny or license this right. I will also actively stand against any legislation that targets your right to keep and bear arms.
Tax Reform
Rhode Island does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. We are one of the highest-taxed states in the country and yet we consistently rank last in quality of infrastructure and business opportunity. I will work to eliminate the car tax and the roadblocks that prevent RI from reaching it’s true potential.
Corporate Welfare
Rhode Island taxpayers have been unfairly burdened with the high cost of ill-conceived and executed public/private partnerships. Failed deals like 38 Studios, which cost Rhode Islanders over $100 million, only stand to serve the privileged few. While we have found success in some cases (Providence Stadium), new proposals are constantly coming from our state "leadership", the taxpayer funding of the PawSox Stadium in Pawtucket is simply another example of private interests profiting at our expense. It is my pledge to stand against these new crony-capitalist deals and fight for transparency in those deals we have already become the victim of.